October 2001
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Make a joyful noise to God all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
Come into his presence with singing.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
And his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.
This is our work as Christians, to lift up and magnify the name of the Lord both in the congregation and in the world around us. First and foremost, we do this in and through the Divine Liturgy. "The Divine Liturgy has the power, by God's grace, to truly unite one with the life and saving work of Christ and with the worship of the Trinity being celebrated in the Heavenly Kingdom, before the very throne of God." (Archbishop Puhalo) We also do this by living gracefully in the world as ambassadors of Christ, sharing his infinite love with everyone we meet, and doing all we can to help those in need.
The Orthodox New Year (September 1) called us to renew and intensify our efforts. Following Christ takes commitment and hard work, so we must never think otherwise. By God's grace, we will have rest in the world to come; but for now, we must do the work of Christ tirelessly and selflessly with joy. Trust me, the rewards for following Christ are beyond our wildest dreams.
May God grant to all of us His divine, saving grace to deepen our understanding and motivate us to even greater devotion.
Yours most sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Antony