2024 Sermons
Hope Even in Darkness
December 29, 2024 - by Dn. Jeff Smith
We are the life of Christ born anew out of suffering. And we have hope even in darkness, even when times are like they are today. Today's gospel is a gospel of hope in the darkness, leaven for new bread, wine for new wineskins.
The Light Shines in the Darkness
December 25, 2024 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Christ brings peace that the world cannot give. It is a different kind of peace, not like the signing of a treaty. The peace of God is more like the quiet of a clear mountain lake in which the sky can be seen in its blue brilliance. It is the peace that comes when the chaos of our thoughts is allowed to settle and at long last we invite our minds to rest from their anxious labor.
The Way to God is Through the Love of Your Neighbor
November 17, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
As Orthodox Christians living in a time when faithfulness to the Gospel and faithfulness to America are commonly seen as synonymous, I want to state this plainly: it is imperative we hold to the Church’s teaching on caring for others in need, as Christ asks of us. The way to God is through the love of your neighbor.
Who is My Neighbor?
November 10, 2024 - by Subdeacon JD Swartz
And just as the Cross – that great sign of love through suffering, even unto death – stands firm, we are called to love consistently; we are here to love and to be transformed into the image and likeness of the one God Who is perfect-love in Trinity. We are to enter into the ditch with the ones we find suffering and broken, even if they themselves do not see their pain and suffering, and we are to become co-sufferers in love, giving love without preference and without need of justification.
Knowing Lazarus
November 03, 2024 - by Fr. Timothy Ferguson
Lazarus is also real because you see him every day. You see him this morning on the corner with his cardboard sign and his cup. If you didn't, you might see them when you go home. If you miss them, look for them tomorrow. They're everywhere. Lazarus is in front of us all the time, and we always have the opportunity to minister to him as rational responsible human beings, who know that God's preferred option is for that man on that corner with that sign and that cup.
Welcoming Others, Welcoming Christ
October 27, 2024 - by Dn. Jeff Smith
We are all called to serve Christ by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable—rural and urban, small and large, young and old. Make no mistake, Jesus is calling us to perform acts of ordinary compassion in our daily lives.
The Only Question
October 20, 2024 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
So often I hear remarks that almost seem to equate God and evil as if there is a really Good God and a really bad one and that they are fighting one another for ascendency, and we, if we are honest, have some doubts as to who will win. But this is not true. That is a form of gnostic dualism rejected by the Church. There is not a Good God and a bad one. There is only one and he is Good. And if we believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ we also believe that evil has been defeated. Sin, death, and the devil have gone down to defeat once and for all.
On Earth As it is in Heaven
October 06, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
If we’re being honest, none of us can truly measure up to Jesus’ level of compassion, to the genuine love that God has for all people. But it is good to remember that the love of God resides within all of us because all humans are created in the image of God. If you’re having trouble finding compassion for your fellow humans, I would suggest looking inward. Shut off the cacophony of noise around you and seek true inner silence.
Revisiting the Golden Rule
September 29, 2024 - by Subdeacon JD Swartz
There is no reciprocity to be sought in our relationships with others. Why do we love? Because people need to be loved. And our reward for this? Transformation – our ontological fulfillment – the Most High God will be able to recognize us as sons and daughters. May we leave here and be merciful, even as our Father is merciful.
To Make Ourselves Nothing
September 15, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
If the goal of the Christian life is union with God, we must first understand that God is truly found within. God is always ever-present. We simply need to discover this illuminating presence that is already there. Know that God suffers from no passions, and has no attachments. And therefore to find God in our inmost depths, we must learn to, likewise, to rid ourselves of our own attachments.
Good Beginnings
September 01, 2024 - by Dn. Jeff Smith
There is no problem in today’s gospel. It is simply Christ with his people and his beautiful reception. It is a new day as every day is a new day. Today is our new day to begin again, and again.
Acquire the Spirit of Compassion & Co-Suffering Love
August 18, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
The opening verse of today’s Gospel lesson tells us that Christ had compassion on the crowd. And some versions our Scriptures have this translated as 'He was moved inwardly with compassion for them.' And I love this translation because it asks us to consider… What does it mean to genuinely feel 'inward compassion' for our fellow human beings?
My Brother is My Life
August 04, 2024 - by Subdeacon JD Swartz
It is easy to see humanity and Christ in those whom we love and yet so easy to miss in those we disagree with or even, God forbid, hate. In today’s Epistle, St Paul says to hate what is evil, but never who is evil – quite the opposite, actually - 'Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.'
Beyond Belief: The Call to Follow Christ
July 28, 2024 - by Dimitri Newman
So then if we have at least the same belief as demons to recognize Christ, in our case to recognize Christ in other people, even people we are conditioned to be afraid of and hate, should we not do more than merely recognize? Is it enough to simply not fear or hate my neighbor because I recognize Christ in him? Then are we much better than demons?
Miraculous Love
July 21, 2024 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
At some point, as God wills and we are willing, the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and we will be able to see things as they really are in bright and living color. And we will begin to see as God sees and hear as God hears.
The Light of God & The City on a Hill
July 14, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
Jesus tells us that we ARE God’s light, and that the light of God which exists within us forms the true 'city on a hill.' A city on a hill cannot be contained because the very light of the divine burns so brightly within. People of this nature are marked as blessed peacemakers, merciful, pure in heart, and in fact, children of the living God.
The Intimacy of God
June 16, 2024 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
What is more, we learn here and in other places that the Lord's incomparable intimacy with his Father mirrors the intimacy the Holy Trinity desires to share with us - a real union, a radical communion far beyond anything we could ever hope for or imagine. The theophany of God as divine relationship includes us.
Serve with Love, Avoid Greed
June 09, 2024 - by Dimitri Newman
If we, as St. Paul exhorts us, deal with others with mutual love, and labor fairly, we avoid being like the masters in today’s epistle. And if we should ever be confronted with our misuse of our fellow human, let us not react as they did, in anger, bringing accusations against those who call us out, but instead use it as a chance for repentance and bring our work life back in line towards the glory of God and not the lining of our own pockets.
To Love and the Lord Loves Us
June 02, 2024 - by Dn. James Wilcox
And so, here is where the example of Jesus Christ in today’s Gospel passage can help us readjust our attitudes and open our hearts beyond the focus and satisfaction of our egos. Jesus drew no cultural boundaries. He boxed no one out. He had no ego to satisfy, and therefore had no use for religious rules which exclude others from the truth of who they are as children of God.
Calming the Troubled Waters
May 26, 2024 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
The Paralytic's healing did not come from the troubled water. It came from the One who stilled the troubled waters of the Galilee and walked on them as on dry land. It came from the One who turned ordinary water into sacred wine and then into his precious blood. The troubled waters of this world are changed by Christ into still and peaceful waters. These are the waters of baptism, rebirth, renewal and refreshment.