Let Us Live in a Way that We Will Not Be Afraid to Die
Sermon preached by Fr. Antony Hughes on Sunday, March 2, 2025
Our Lord is a gentleman. He stands at the door and knocks. He does not barge in like the police or ICE.
On the other hand we often are not that noble. We find no greater pleasure than to entertain ourselves with the possibility that our neighbor is as terrible as we already believe they are.
Jesus forgives easily and completely. He says. "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more." It seems that there is a condition here. "If you sin again, then I will condemn you."
That is not true. Once forgiven the sin disappears from God's sight. "God does not remember our sins." The Lord is not frugal with mercy as we are. He gives exorbitantly more than we need. He is actually wasteful with love.
Forgiveness is always and forever the will of God. Always ready to forgive, always willing to come to the rescue. Tonight we are called to open the door to forgiveness for ourselves and our neighbors.
Remember what Our Lord tells us: "The one who comes to me I will not cast out."
Fr. Nicholas Steinhart writes that "He invites all people to recognize what they rightfully are in truth: the sons (and daughters) of the Father, of the Master." We are nobles, kings and queens, gods in the making through the Lord's all-encompassing grace.
Tonight let's dare to acknowledge this and like good stewards of the mercy he has given us so freely, let's act with noble humility befitting children of the Most High and forgive with liberality.
When a society is based on competition, it's foundations are: hatred, envy, and suspicion. (Steinhardt)
Sister Maria Restituta died a matyr at the hand of fascist Germany 30 March, 1943. Her last words were, "I have lived for Christ, I want to die for Christ."
Christ does not force our will he only takes what we give him, but he does not give himself entirely until he sees that we yield ourselves entirely.
So, let us seek to live in such a way that we are not afraid to die.