Fridays of Great Lent @ St. Mary Church
This year, join us every Friday of Great Lent at St. Mary Church in Cambridge for beautiful, joyous divine services and interesting, inspiring speakers. The schedule is as follows.
"The Icons of Holy Week & Pascha"
Kh. Erin Kimmett, Iconographer
March 18
7pm Akathist Hymn
8pm Speaker and Refreshments*
Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos
March 25
6:30 pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy, No Speaker
"On Contemplative and Silent Prayer"
Dr. Albert Raboteau, Ph.D.
April 1
7pm Akathist Hymn
8pm Speaker and Refreshments**
"Watchfulness and the Seven Deadly Sins"
Dr. Anthony Bashir, Ph.D.
April 8
7pm Akathist Hymn
8pm Speaker and Refreshments**
5th Friday of Great Lent Full Akathist Hymn
April 15
7pm Akathist Hymn, No Speaker
** Sponsored by the Women’s Club
** Sponsored by the Young Adult Ministry
All services and speakers are held at:
St. Mary Orthodox Church in Central Square
8 Inman St | Cambridge, MA 02139
617-547-1234 |