Special Announcements & Events

Paraklesis Service for the Health of Fr. Antony - Friday, August 28

January 01, 1970
One thing we can all do for Fr. Antony is pray for his good health and speedy recovery. In that spirit, we will have an opportunity to do that as a community this FRIDAY, August 28, at 7pm. Fr. Ed Hughes will be serving a Paraklesis Service for Fr. Antony at St. Mary Church in Cambridge, MA. Read more »

St. Mary Women’s Club 2015 Sfeeha Sale has Begun

January 01, 1970
The Women’s Club is offering for purchase freshly made Sfeeha (ground lamb-meat pizza pies with onion, pine nuts & seasonings). Everything is cooked with the finest of ingredients and ready to eat now or freeze for the holidays! Order Deadline is Sunday, October 25, 2015! Read more »

Liturgy as Philanthropy: Fall Liturgy Retreat

January 01, 1970
A Fall Liturgy Retreat for Church School children and families will be held on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. (This is Veteran’s Day - a day off of school for many students and off of work for some adults.). Read more »

Registration for Adult Catechism Program is Now Open

January 01, 1970
Open registration is now available for the Adult Catechism program at St. Mary's Church. Classes will be held every Sunday morning at 9:00 am, beginning next Sunday, October 18, and running regularly through April 2016. These classes are free and open to new members of our community who are exploring the Orthodox Faith. Read more »

Annual Thanksgiving Charity Bake Sale

January 01, 1970
This Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015 is the Annual Thanksgiving Charity Bake Sale! All proceeds to benefit the Convent of Saidnaya, North West of Damascus in Syria. Plan on purchasing all your holiday breads, pies, goodies, Syrian pastries and much more! Read more »

Young Adult Ministry Luncheon and Planning Session

January 01, 1970
We are starting a young adult group at St. Mary's in Cambridge and we'd love to hear from you about what sort of events and activities we should plan for the coming year! Join us this Sunday after Liturgy in the Church Hall starting at 12:00 for a delicious lunch and an engaging activity to begin planning. Read more »

Orthodox Christian Witness Program: Fall 2019 Retreat

January 01, 1970
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Welcome Back Weekend at St. Mary's

January 01, 1970
You are invited to join us this Fall for a new year of great activities and events for our College Students, Young Adults, and Entire Community! Starting this weekend, we welcome back all of those who were away from St. Mary's over the summer time, and we are excited to have you back! Read more »

Young Adult Fellowship Night - Monthly Great Vespers and Potluck Dinner

January 01, 1970
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The Light At the End of the Tunnel: Dealing with the Oncoming Train

January 01, 1970
What do you do when life gives you lemons? Join us for this dynamic and engaging retreat on the Orthodox perspective of facing life’s challenges! The Antiochian Women of the Diocese of Worcester & New England are pleased to present the 2016 Pre-Lenten Retreat with featured speaker, V. Rev. Michael Keiser, Chair of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Department of Missions & Evangelism. Join us on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 9am - 2:30 pm at St. John of Damascus Church, 300 West Street, Dedham, MA. Read more »