Update for the week Thursday, March 20, through Thursday, March 27, 2014


AKATHIST – Every Friday at 7:00 pm, through April 4, we will pray the Akathist to the Theotokos.

WOMEN'S MONTH HOMILIES – For the remaining Sundays in March some of the women at St. Mary have been asked to give the homilies, exploring the themes in the fifteen Old Testament readings for the Paschal Vigil on Holy Saturday morning. This Sunday Ioana Chirieac will talk about "Offering and Passover"
   Copies of the readings will be available at the Bengarri for those who would like to follow them as they are discussed. Please return them after the service.

CHURCH SCHOOL – After a short class (lesson 19) this Sunday, church school students will return to the sanctuary for the procession with the Holy Cross.

FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION – On Monday, March 24, we will celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation to the Theotokos. with Divine Liturgy at 6:30 pm.

PRESANCTIFIED LITURGY and LENTEN POTLUCKS – Every Wednesday during Lent there is a Presanctified Liturgy at 6:30 p.m., followed by a Potluck Supper sponsored by the Fellowship of St. John. Do plan to come, and please bring something to share.  Any Lenten fare is welcome:  main courses, sides, salads, desserts, as well as beverages and snacks.  This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship during Lent, plus we get to sample each other's Lenten recipes. 
   Next week's leader (March 26) will be Natasha Smith (nasmith05@gmail.com). It would be helpful if you can let her know what you'll be bringing, and how you will help with cleanup afterward (put away tables & chairs, or help in the kitchen). Also, the FSJD needs a rice cooker for the March 26 Lenten potluck supper. If you have one we could borrow, please contact Natasha Thank you!
    We still need a leader for the April 9 potluck. Please contact Julie Wasilko (julie31415pi@gmail.com ) to volunteer to lead the last potluck.

BIBLE STUDY – The Bible Study at St. Mary, sponsored by the Fellowship of St. John the Divine, meets every other Thursday in the church library, and is based on a series of talks originally broadcast on Ancient Faith Radio, entitled Search the Scriptures. For more information contact Marianna Sayeg (mksayeg@gmail.com) or Fr. Antony (frawhj@gmail.com ). New members are always welcome. Join us next Thursday, March 27, at 7:00 pm as we continue our study of Abraham. Listen to the podcasts at http://orthodoxbiblestudy.info/genesis-abraham-part-2/ and http://orthodoxbiblestudy.info/genesis-abraham-part-3/ .


MEMORY ETERNAL – It is with great sadness that we inform you of the falling asleep in the Lord of our father in Christ and Chief Shepherd, Metropolitan PHILIP (Saliba), Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America. More information will be posted on the on the Archdiocese website: www.antiochian.org. May his memory be eternal, may his soul rest with the Saints.

SYRIAN BISHOP TO SPEAK – Bishop Elias Toume of Wadi Al Nassara, a resident bishop in the region of Homs, Syria will offer a talk on “Christians in Syria at the Crossroads” in the Maliotis Center at Hellenic College Holy Cross on Friday, March 28, at 7:00 pm. Living in the war-torn area of Homs, Bishop Elias will share an insider’s perspective on the great challenges and suffering that the Christian minority has faced over the past three years of the Syrian conflict. For more information see http://www.hchc.edu/about/news/news_releases/costas_consultation#sthash.JZstpnRf.dpuf

FSJD MEETING – Please join us for an important meeting of the Fellowship of St. John the Divine during coffee hour on Sunday, April 6. We will be sharing our revised calendar of events, and voting on whether or not to keep some of them. If you enjoy the activities we do throughout the year, then you'll want to attend this meeting to hear about the changes and the reasons for them.

PALM SUNDAY FISH DINNER – Join us on Sunday, April 13 after Divine Liturgy for our annual Palm Sunday Fish Dinner, sponsored by the Fellowship of St. John the Divine and donated by Ed and Lisa Brylczyk. Requested donations are $8/person or $16/family.

HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT – Spend the morning in fellowship and activities with friends and families at the St. Mary’s Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 18, 9:30-12:30.   A variety of activities will be provided and luncheon served.  Recommended for ages 5 through adult.  Younger children welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.  We welcome your energy and talent if you are able to provide a craft, read stories, or spend time coloring with the children as part of the morning’s activities. Teens and adults are welcome to assist with egg dying and pysanky decorating, crafts with the children, or decoration of the tomb upstairs. Fr. Antony will be available to hear the children’s and teens' confessions before lunch. 
   Lunch is provided for everyone ($5 donation per person donation requested - make checks payable to St. Mary Orthodox Church). RSVP by Palm Sunday, April 13, to Trish Orlovsky at t_orlovsky@hotmail.com or call 781-641-0182, if you plan to attend or can help with activities that day.


MARCH IS ANTIOCHIAN WOMEN’S MONTH. Our women are reading the Epistle, delivering the Homily, taking the Collection, and assisting during Communion each Sunday.

TEEN RETREAT – The New England Diocese Annual Teen Lenten Retreat will be held Friday through Sunday, March 28-30, at St. Methodios in New Hampshire. Teens from all over New England will be in attendance. The cost is $95 per teen, which covers food, lodging and everything you need for the weekend.

vonHOLZHAUSEN LECTURE – The Fellowship of St. John the Divine invites you to its annual Fr. John vonHolzhausen lecture on Sunday, March 30, at 1:00 pm (following Divine Liturgy at 10am and Coffee Hour at 12pm). Our speaker, Jan N. H. Perkins, MDiv, will speak on the topic, “If you Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It:” How Christ Transcends Good and Bad.
   If you would be interested in onsite childcare while you attend the vonHolzhausen Lecture, please email Diana Yousef, Fellowship VP (yousefd@post.harvard.edu ) ASAP. Once we have a headcount, we can determine how many teens we'll need and what a shared cost might be.

IOCC HEALTH/BABY CARE KITS - As the Lenten Season is upon us, the Women’s Club asks you to participate in our project to send HEALTH CARE KITS and BABY CARE KITS to the displaced families and orphans of the Syrian Conflict. The IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) will handle the mailing and distribution. Our job is simply to buy and assemble the kits. This is a great way for our families and St. Mary’s parish to begin our Lenten journey, and show our children the true meaning of Christian charity. Shop with your children to make a kit, or more than one. If that’s not feasible, make a donation to the Women’s Club and we will do the shopping for you. Instructions for Kits can be found in the Sunday bulletin.

HELP FOR THE TRAUMANN-DAVIS FAMILY – Our own Elisabeth Traumann, wife of Seraphim Davis and mother of Isis, Thais and Tycho Traumann-Davis, has been diagnosed with stomach cancer and has started chemotherapy, to be followed by surgery in late spring/early summer.  Her prognosis is good, but prayers are appreciated.  For updates on Elisabeth’s condition, just friend Elisabeth on Facebook and then check this Facebook site:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/197726897092134/
   Anyone who would like to offer their help with meals, transportation, etc. may visit the family's Lotsa Helping Hands community at: https://www.lotsahelpinghands.com/c/713408/    New Information: If delivering a meal to Somerville would be difficult, you can bring it to Seraphim (or in his absence, to Natasha Smith) at the church on Sunday mornings, as long as you coordinate with them ahead of time.

HYMN FESTIVAL – Our own Boston Byzantine Choir will be featured in Lenten Journey, a concert of meditative music and images to be held on Saturday, April 5, at 4:00 pm, at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, 950 East St., Dedham. Light refreshments will follow; donations gratefully accepted. The church's website is www.stlukesdedham.org

PASCHA BAKE SALE – The Women's Club will be holding its annual Pascha Bake Sale on Sunday, April 6, after Liturgy. Plan on purchasing all your Pascha/Easter pastries and goodies. If you can help bake please call Mary Ellen Mabardy at 781-729-6303.

LAZARUS SATURDAY – Please come and bring your friends and family on Saturday, April 12, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy (Matins 8:00 am; Liturgy 9:00 am), and enjoy a Communion Breakfast at 10:15 presented by the Women’s Club and offered by Selma Winstanley in loving memory of brother, Mitchell Mabardi.  Following the Communion Breakfast, there will be a Church Clean-Up in preparation for Pascha.  Everyone is encouraged to  bring some rags, cleaning supplies, small buckets, brown paper bags, irons and extension cords for wax removal, etc.  Please come and lend a hand in preparing God’s House for the Feast of Feasts. 

FOOD FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE – The 40th Anniversary Food for Hungry People program of our Archdiocese will begin this week with the start of Great Lent. Money Boxes for collecting alms at home will be on the Bengarri; please pick one or two up and place them throughout your home, fill them up, and return them on Palm Sunday, April 13. “Whoever gives a hand to help his neighbor is helped by God’s own hand.” - St. Isaac the Syrian

DONATIONS FOR HOLY WEEK – For the special services of Holy Week, the Church needs donations of olive oil for the Unction Service (Wednesday), flowers for the tomb of Christ (Friday), flowers to distribute on Great and Holy Friday, rose water to anoint the faithful (Friday), incense, Paschal lilies and other flowers,  and candles. Deadline is Palm Sunday, April 13. Please use the donation form in the Sunday Bulletin.

NATIONAL CONVENTION – Letters have been mailed to all parishioners outlining the many opportunities for you to contribute to the 2015 Antiochian Archdiocesan National Convention. Please consider participating: volunteer your time and talent and/or financially support the event by sponsoring one of the many activities or placing an ad in the souvenir journal/ad book. Please complete the Volunteer Sign-up Sheet that was mailed to you and return it to Shirley Bezreh at the Bengarri/Narthex. Extra Sign-up Sheets are available on the table outside the hall.

Syrian and Lebanese Women
- Scholarships ($1,000) are available to young women of Syrian and Lebanese origin, residing in Massachusetts within 50-mile radius of Boston, who plan to pursue a four-year college education. Scholarships are based on outstanding academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, charitable and civic involvement and good character; and applicants must be in good academic standing in her school and possess those personal attributes, which best serve the community. Applications are available through the Church Office and must be postmarked by Monday, March 31, 2014. If you have any questions, contact Mary Winstanley O’Connor at 617-523-1010 or email at moconnor@koilaw.com.

New England Region Fellowship of St. John the Divine Scholarships: The Fellowship is awarding scholarships to students who are faithful and active Orthodox Christians whose high school records indicate a potential for being successful in an accredited college and who are in need of financial assistance. Applications are available through the Church Office and must be received by the Scholarship Committee Chairperson by Thursday, May 1, 2014.

Antiochian Women’s Scholarship: Scholarships are available to females 25 years of age and older in good standing of the Antiochian Archdiocese, actively involved in their parish and who demonstrate need. The application deadline is Sunday, June 1, 2014. Applications are available in the Church Office. E-mail cindy@cnyhondas.com with any questions.

Nicholas G. Beram Scholastic Achievement Award - applications are available for high school seniors of our Arab American Community planning to attend a 4 year college full time. Applications are available in the Church office or on-line at www.stjohn.org/ngberam. Application deadline is June 1, 2014.

LENTEN CDs – The Boston Byzantine Choir invites you to span the liturgical cycle from Lent to Pascha with their triad of recordings: Lenten Journey, Thy Passion, and Thy Resurrection. The CDs are $15 each or all three for $40, and may be purchased from the Church Office or from Charlie Marge.

There are a number of ways you can help the Church, your fellow worshipers, and those in need. Consider serving in one of these ways:
- Be a Greeter
- Participate in Liturgical Service*
- Provide a Coffee Hour
- Join the Prison Ministry
- Help with Video Editing
- Share your talent as Photographer Or Graphic Designer

For information about these opportunities, and who to contact, see https://www.stmaryorthodoxchurch.org/ministries/volunteering

*Also, during the school year, the Church School students participate in our liturgical celebration by holding candles at the Gospel reading; processing with candles, a festal icon, and the baskets of Antidoron (i.e. extra bread) at the Great Entrance; and then presenting the Antidoron for a blessing during the Hymn to the Theotokos.


Greeter: Juliana Honeycutt

Liturgical Service: Candle Bearers: Michele Chin & Liz Stragalis; Icon Bearer: Dianna Yousef; Bread Baskets: Azeb Mitiku & Melissa Nassiff

Coffee Hour: The Bargoot and Arnold Families


Friday, March 21: Akathist (Madayeh) 7:00 pm

Saturday, March 22: Great Vespers 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 23: Orthros 8:45 am, Enquirers' class 9:00 am, Divine Liturgy 10:00 am; Church School lesson 19

SCRIPTURE READINGS for Sunday, March 23, Sunday of the Holy Cross:
Epistle: St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 4:14-5:6
… For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.

Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1
   The Lord said: "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in return for his life?...”

Monday, March 24, Feast of the Annunciation to the Holy Theotokos: Evening Divine Liturgy 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 26: Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 6:30 pm, followed by Pot Luck Supper

Thursday, March 27: Bible Study 7:00 pm


Friday, March 28: Akathist (Madayeh) 7:00 pm

Saturday, March 29: Great Vespers 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 30: Orthros 8:45 am, Enquirers' class 9:00 am, Divine Liturgy 10:00 am; Church School lesson 19 ; Annual Fr. John vonHolzhausen Lecture 1:00 pm

Thursday, April 10: Bible Study 7:00 pm

Saturday, April 12, Lazarus Saturday: Matins 8:00 am; Liturgy 9:00 am; Communion Breakfast 10:15, followed by Church Clean-Up; Great Vespers 4:00 pm

Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday: Orthros 8:45 am, Enquirers' class 9:00 am, Divine Liturgy 10:00 am; followed by FSJD Fish Dinner; Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Holy Monday, April 14: Presanctified Liturgy 7 :00 am; Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Holy Tuesday, April 15: Presanctified Liturgy 7 :00 am; Bridegroom Matins 7:00 pm

Holy Wednesday, April 16: Presanctified Liturgy 7 :00 am; Holy Unction 7:00 pm

Holy Thursday, April 17: Vesperal Liturgy 7 :00 am; Washing of the Feet 6:45 pm and Twelve Gospels 7:00 pm

Holy Friday, April 18: Children’s Retreat 9:30 am; Royal Hours 1:00 pm; Unnailing Vespers 3:00 pm; Lamentations 7:15 pm with Procession to Central Square; Teen Vigil overnight

Holy Saturday, April 19: Vesperal Liturgy 9:00 am

Saturday-Sunday, April 3-4: Vigil/Rush Service 10:00 pm; Resurrection Matins 11:00 pm; Great and Holy Pascha Divine Liturgy 12 midnight; Paschal Festivities in the Church Hall following

Sunday, April 20, Great and Holy Pascha: Joint Agape Vespers (Baouth) 11:00 am here at St. Mary Church; reception following.

Thursday-Sunday, June 19-22: Parish Life Conference, Plymouth, MA


The priests indeed are good; but much better is the High Priest to whom the Holy of Holies has been committed; and who alone has been entrusted with the secrets of God. He is the door of the Father, by which Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets enter in, as well as the Apostles, and the church.
   - St. Ignatius of Antioch

Do not seek the perfection of the law in human virtues, for it is not found perfect in them. Its perfection is hidden in the Cross of Christ.
   - St. Hesychius the Priest

Remember that the heavenly Father sent His only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, into the world for your salvation from sins and from eternal condemnation for them. Turn then with faith to this Mediator before God for men, imploring Him from the depths of your soul to wash away by His all-cleansing Blood, shed for us on the cross, your iniquities too; turn zealously to repentance, confessing your sins before His priest as before Himself, that you may be justified, ... draw near to the holy cup and you shall be cleansed of your sins: peace shall flow into your soul like a river and you shall be the son of the heavenly Father, 'who was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found' (Luke 15:32).
   - St. John of Kronstadt

The cross is the door to mysteries. Through this door the intellect makes entrance into the knowledge of heavenly mysteries. The knowledge of the cross is concealed in the sufferings of the cross. And the more our participation in its sufferings, the greater the perception we gain through the cross. For, as the Apostle says, 'As the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.'
   - St. Isaac of Syria, The Ascetical Homilies

Who is there that when seeing Thy Cross, shall have doubted that Thou art man?  Who is there that shall have seen Thy Power, and shall not believe that Thou art also God?  Lo! thus by these two things I have learnt to confess that Thou art man and likewise art God! 
   - St. Ephraim the Syrian