Update for the week Thursday, December 12 - Wednesday, December 18, 2019
SUNDAY 12/15 – Orthros 8:45am; St. Ignatius Catechetical Group, 9:00am; Divine Liturgy 10:00am.
+ Pageant rehearsal during Coffee Hour.
+ Christmas Card signup deadline (extended)
SATURDAY 12/14 - Luncheon for scholarship program hosted by the Syrian/Lebanese Women’s Club of Greater Boston this Saturday, 12:00 - 3:00 at St. John of Damascus Church 300 West St. Dedham. All proceeds benefit the Scholarship Program for High School Seniors. For questions please call Linda Hakar at 781-551-9444 or Hellas Assad at 781-856-9477.
COFFEE HOUR SPONSORS NEEDED – Please get your friends together and sign up to provide a coffee hour. Some do it to celebrate a special event or anniversary, but you don’t need a reason, and it can be as simple as coffee, juice, and cookies. When no one volunteers, there is no coffee hour! Sign up on the bulletin board downstairs outside the Hall or contact the Church Office: Secretary@stmaryorthodoxchurch.org or 617-547-1234.
WOMEN’S CLUB - Instead of its monthly meeting, the Women's Club will host the diocesan Antiochian Women here at St. Mary's on Saturday, January 11. All women of the diocese are welcome to attend this meeting, which begins with Liturgy at 9:00am, and concludes with a luncheon at noon.
PLEDGE CARDS – Some people have still not returned their pledge cards – please do so as soon as possible. You can use ePledge on St. Mary’s website, or pledge electronically using e-Give, or mail the card to the church office.
THANK YOU - to all those who made last Sunday’s Christmas concert such a success. It was an effort that will not be forgotten and that brought the message of the Nativity of Christ our Savior into the hearts, minds, and souls of all present. Many people worked to bring us this inspiring event, but a special thanks goes out to Fr. Antony for his blessing to have this concert, Adam Murphy and Charlie Marge for putting together the musical program, Kh. Rouba and the Theotokos Choir from St. Mary’s in Pawtucket, Charlie Marge and the Boston Byzantine Choir, Fr. Romanos and the St. Romanos the Melodist Choir from Hellenic College Holy Cross, Michelle Mabardy and the St. Mary’s Choir, The Boston Civic Symphony String Quartet, James Wilcox for narrating, Jamil Samara for managing the stage and crew, Natasha Smith, the Hospitality Group, the Telos and Young Adult Ministry group members and all the helpers for hosting a beautiful reception.
NATIVITY FAST – The Nativity fast (also known as Advent) began on Friday, November 15, and continues through December 24.
NEW CD – The Boston Byzantine Choir has recorded a new CD entitled Twelve Days: Byzantine Chant from Christmas to Epiphany. It is for sale through the church office.
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT – The Church School Christmas Pageant is scheduled for Sunday, December 22, after Liturgy. If your child is interested in participating, please see Sarah Byrne-Martelli or
Chris Addis. Last rehearsal will take place during Coffee Hour this Sunday, December 15.
FOOD FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE – Help support our Canned Food Drive! From October through December 31, bring in canned goods and place them in the plastic bins in the room outside the kitchen. (Canned goods only, please.) They will be distributed to food pantries in our area.
FEAST OF THEOPHANY - Celebrate the Great Feast of Theophany with His Grace Bishop JOHN and the Diocese clergy at St. George Church, West Roxbury., on Monday, January 6. Matins: 5:30pm, Divine Liturgy 7:00pm with Blessing of the Water.
FAMILY CAMP – Register now for Winter Family Camp at Antiochian Village, January 17-20, 2020. Family Camp is an opportunity for your family to get away from everyday life and take a weekend as a family to grow closer to Christ, in the beautiful setting of the Antiochian Village Camp. Registration is now open at https://avcamp.org/other-programs/winter-family-camp Cost: $150/parent, $50/child includes meals and lodging.
CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED - The Choir is looking for new members, especially Alto (woman) and Bass/Baritone (men), but of course we welcome all parts. Please e-mail Michelle Mabardy at mmmabardy@gmail.com if you are interested.
JOIN US ONLINE - St. Mary’s Church services are broadcast live each week through an internet video stream. If you can't attend a service in person, or want to share this ministry with a friend or loved one, the live stream can be viewed at www.stmaryorthodoxchurch.org/live during regularly scheduled service times (see the schedule of services or online). If you have questions or comments about this ministry please contact us at live@stmaryorthodoxchurch.org
Neither asceticism, nor vigils nor any kind of suffering are able to save; only true humility can do that.
- Amma Theodora, Saying of the Desert Fathers
When humility delivers a man from attachment to his own works and his own reputation, he discovers that perfect joy is possible only when we have completely forgotten ourselves. And it is only when we pay no more attention to our own deeds and our reputation and our own excellence that we are at last completely free to serve God in perfection for His sake alone.
- Fr. Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation