October 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Times are tough. Uncertainty reigns, or so it seems. So much hatred, so much anger, so much fear. The moorings we have trusted and relied on have been stripped away and the boat seems to be adrift. It is such a paradox that those who trumpet their superiority constantly behave in ways that demonstrate the poverty of their claims. "By their fruits you shall know them."
What is our hope that "all things shall be well?" It is in God who sends the sun and the rain on the good and the bad, who favors no one over another, who has gifted us with his divine image and nourishes and sustains all things, who says that he will never leave us nor forsake us. That is our firm belief.
And now, at this very moment, love flows from the Holy Trinity to us. It always has and always will. It is given to us for our comfort and healing and for sharing. It is like the manna in the wilderness which was good only for the day it was given. God's ever-flowing gift of love is not meant for hoarding, but for sharing. We must continually empty ourselves in the knowledge that he will provide us forever with more provisions to share each day. Our one job is to gratefully receive and joyfully share.
So, we turn ourselves to Jesus and ignore the distractions and smoke screens of those who care only for themselves. Let us not be among them. Let's remember who we are, children of our Heavenly Father, and not give ourselves over to the evil that others do. What we have been freely given, let us freely share.
With deepest affection,
Fr. Antony