Parish Council
The Parish Council at St. Mary Church is composed of faithful men and women who are dedicated Orthodox Christians and who sacrifice their time, talents, and resources for the Church. We represent the parish, as clergy and laity together, and seek to fulfill the mission ascribed to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Council members are elected for 3 year terms and can serve only 2 consecutive 3 year terms after which they are NOT eligible for another year.
The 2023 Parish Council Members at St. Mary Church are:
Mary Winstanley O’Connor, President
Michelle Mabardy, Vice President
Marc Patacchiola, Treasurer
Amanda Donahue, Secretary
Christian Alcala
Nicholas Bezreh
John Coundouris
Jane Gabriel
Michael Guiglio
Madeline Homsy
Joseph (Buddy) Mabardy
Dr. Cynthia Mazzoni
Trish Orlovsky
Luke Quinn
Theo Smith