Orthodox Christianity
Orthodox Christians affirm that their Church is the living continuation of the Apostolic Church, founded by Christ himself; they believe that it has maintained, without distorting addition or damaging detraction, the ancient faith of the undivided Church. The Orthodox make these claims in all humility, readily admitting the shortcomings of their Christian witness. They have no intention of calling into question the sincerity and integrity of other Christians. But they do assert that "if a person carefully examines the history of Christianity, he or she will soon discover that the Orthodox Church alone is in complete sacramental, doctrinal, and canonical continuity with the ancient undivided Church as it authoritatively expressed itself in the great Ecumenical Councils." Learn More
Theological and Printed News Articles on the Faith
- An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith - Book 1
- Spiritual Quotes
- History of the Orthodox Church
- Church of Antioch
- Patriarchate of Antioch
- Archdiocese Structure
- Archdiocese History
- The Joy of the Kingdom
- My First Visit to an Orthodox Church: Twelve Things I Wish I'd Known
- What is Orthodoxy?
- One of the most persuasive voices for change in the Orthodox church today comes from the current Patriarch of Antioch, Ignatius IV
- Welcoming His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius to America
- Metropolitan PHILIP Saliba and Christian Orthodox Unity in America
- Hot dog, it's Lent!
- Old-Time Religion - A Star Rises in the East
- Ancestral Versus Original Sin
- Tremors of Doubt - What Kind of God Would Allow a Deadly Tsunami?
- Church of Greece Restores Diaconate for Women
- Climate Change a Symptom of Spiritual Disorder Says Patriarch
- Difference Is a Treasure, Says L'Arche Founder
- Roman Presidency and Christian Unity in our Time
- Reflections on the Church
- Will the 21st Be the Orthodox Century?
- Married Bishops in the Orthodox Church: An Analysis
- A Changed Man: Eastern Orthodox Pastor has far-flung roots
- The "Heresy" of Apostolic Autocracy
- Russian Churches End Rift
- On Forgiveness
- Thinking Positively
- We Should Not Be Distracted By Anything
- In Syrian Villages, the Language of Jesus Lives
- Liturgy in Life and Death
- Thomas Merton Explains Monasticism to a Sixth-Grader
- Thomas Merton - Prayer for Peace
- Kairos Palestine Document: Christians Call for End to Israeli Occupation
- An Interview with Patriarch Bartholomew
- Ancient Christian Meditation Discovered
- On the Question of "Gerontas" or Spiritual Elders
- Fr. Georges Massouh on the Christian Martyrs in Iraq
- 'The Least of These' -- Martin Luther King's Advocacy for the Poor
- St. Kassiani
- Christ In An American Prison
- The Inner Existential Celebration of Christ's Resurrection
- The World as Sacrament: The Theological and Spiritual Vision of Creation: His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
- 55 Maxims for Christian Living
- The Heart of the Parish Community Must be Love
- Who’s Afraid of Halloween?
- Miraculous Intervention of St. Raphael
- Nativity Homily of St. Isaac the Syrian
- The Blessed Exchange
- Excerpts from Violence and the Gospel
- Orthodox Christian Mission Center - A Journey of Faith
- Missing the "Mainline" Protestant Opportunity
- Dallas Has a Saint
- Watch then Thyself: Spiritual Practice & Digital Culture
- The Liturgy of the Presanctified
Read One of the Sermons from St. Mary Church
- 2025
- 2024
- On Earth As it is in Heaven
- Welcoming Others, Welcoming Christ
- Hope Even in Darkness
- The Light Shines in the Darkness
- The Way to God is Through the Love of Your Neighbor
- Who is My Neighbor?
- My Brother is My Life
- Revisiting the Golden Rule
- Knowing Lazarus
- The Only Question
- To Make Ourselves Nothing
- Good Beginnings
- Miraculous Love
- Acquire the Spirit of Compassion & Co-Suffering Love
- The Light of God & The City on a Hill
- Beyond Belief: The Call to Follow Christ
- Serve with Love, Avoid Greed
- On the Sunday of Thomas
- The Kingdom is Within
- The Life of St. Mary of Egypt
- The Opposite of Faith
- The Authentic Person
- Why the Crosses around our Neck?
- Cultivating Creative Listening: Homily on the Sunday of Gregory Palamas
- Forgive and Remember
- The Mercy of Judgement
- Symeon and Zaccaeus - A Tale of Two Men
- How does one become a Christian?
- The Canaanite Woman
- Grant us the Eyes to See
- The Intimacy of God
- To Love and the Lord Loves Us
- Calming the Troubled Waters
- 2023
- The Divine Anchor and the Precarious Ladder of Spiritual Transformation
- The Point of It All Is Joy
- Following Christ Through Cities and Deserts
- Renewing our Baptismal Vows
- Embracing Our Doubt
- The Healing of the Paralytic
- The Sixth Hour
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- Living in a Different Light
- On the Service of Holy Unction
- On Suffering and The Opening of Our Eyes
- The Christ in Our Midst who Suffers As We Do
- Transfiguring Our Passions
- The Cross is The Weapon of Our Peace!
- Spiritual Blindness and Healing
- The Path of Transfiguration
- Search Me, O God
- The Wood of Salvation: Reflections on the Feast of the Cross
- Parables for the Voluntarily Self-Blinded
- Regarding Demon Possession
- Who Then Can Be Saved?
- Love Your Enemies
- The Good Samaritan
- The Rich Fool and His Attachments
- Detachment in the Image of God
- The Good News of Jesus Christ
- Lazaros and the Rich Man
- Follow Me ... Come and See
- Rise Up and Walk
- On Forgiveness Sunday
- Metaphors of the Last Judgment
- Awakening from Exile
- The Interplay of Darkness and Light
- The Canaanite Woman
- Darkness Vanishes at the Appearance of God
- Jesus in the Temple
- 2022
- The First Christians Were Not Like Us
- Unction: An Opportunity for Healing of the Whole Person
- Seek First His Kingdom
- The Reality of Scriptural Allegory in You
- The Heart of Spirituality
- Dostoevsky’s Gospel
- Jesus is Who He is Because of God and Mary
- How Often Should I Forgive?
- The Geresene Demoniac
- The Chasm We Fix In Our Hearts
- Hidden Wounds
- The Calling of the Fishermen
- The Good Samaritan
- Inner Stillness Amidst Inner Turmoil
- Stewardship Sunday
- The Scandals of Men and the Work of God
- To See or Not to See
- Through the Fire of Internal Suffering
- The High Priestly Prayer of Gethsemane
- On Palm Sunday
- Deflection
- The Lord is in this place and I did not know it!
- Living Water
- On the Sunday of Thomas
- Can You Drink the Cup?
- With Us or Without Us
- Women Saints: Syncletica and Mary of Egypt
- St. Barbara - December 4 Impressions of a Saint
- Women Saints: Their Lives and Example for Us Today
- Saints and Sainthood: Called to Holiness and Ministry
- The Last Judgement
- So It Will Be With Us
- On the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- No Inside, No Outside
- The God That Hovers
- On the Healing of the Ten Lepers
- The Natural Sacramentality of Water
- On the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- 2021
- The Power of Mystery
- A Burning Passion for Humanity
- The Great Messianic Banquet
- Healing of the Infirm Woman
- Eudoxia Redux
- Choices
- The End of Our Brokenness
- The Energetic Seeds
- Funeral Procession
- They are in the Book
- The Devastation of Love
- Lifting Up the Son of Man
- Remembering God
- He Went Up The Mountain to Pray
- The Dormition
- A Glimpse of Glory
- Healing the Paralytic
- God is Doing New Things
- The Light in Silence
- Getting to know You
- Acknowledging Christ
- Full Circle
- Life Uncircumscribed
- On the Sunday of the Paralytic
- Indifference
- No Walls
- The Image of the Cross
- Loving God and Our Neighbor
- In (Radical, Hard-Fought) Peace Let Us Pray
- Sacrifice and Praise
- Let us Give Thanks to the Lord
- Present Sheep
- Which Way?
- Justa and Berenice
- Parable of the Talents
- Lotus Petals in the Translucent Soul
- Diving into Life
- A New Framework
- Eureka
- Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord
- 2020
- The Eternal Gift of Union
- The Lord Christ's Net
- Embracing Indestructible Joy
- Recommitting to the Gospel
- On the Life of St. Nicholas
- Simply Not Conventional
- Listening to God's Voice
- Depth Spirituality
- On Compassion
- Let's Stop Pointing Fingers and Examine Ourselves
- No Favorites
- No More Secrets
- Metanoia and Repentance
- The Beauty and Sanctity of All He Has Made
- Make Room for All of It
- Irradiating Grace
- The Life of My Life
- The Great Fire (Astonishing to God)
- Within You and Without You
- I Very Much Suspect
- Revelations of Divine Love
- That They May Be One
- Eyes Wide Open
- The Temple of the Heart
- The Healing at Bethesda
- Sacred Remembering
- Power to Do What?
- Whoever has God in Mind
- Christ is in our Midst
- The Awareness of Death
- Let's Be Light
- The Word of God and the Paralytic
- The Words and Word of God that Heal
- The words of the Word of God that Teach Resilience
- The Words and Word of God that Create and Renew
- To Heal and Not to Hurt
- 2019
- On Hospitality
- Finding the Barriers Within Ourselves
- What Matters is a New Creation
- On the Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
- The Implications of Nain
- Detach and Follow
- Loved Just As We Are
- No Longer I
- A Master of Oneself
- Descent is Ascent
- Growth in Faith
- Recidivism
- Non-Resistance
- We are Light, the World is Light
- On the Sunday of the Blind Man
- Reflections on the Parable of the Publican and Pharisee
- On the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
- Reflections on the Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- Extreme Humility and Radical Love
- On the Sunday of Zaccheus
- The Light in the Darkness
- 2018
- So Plain, So Clear, So Beautiful
- Unseen Blessings
- Learn How to Walk
- The Prayer of the Vigilant Heart
- On the Feast of the Nativity 2018
- A Time of Wonder
- The Compassionate Way of Self-Care
- Converted to Love
- More than a Religious Rule
- Losing Ourselves in Love
- The Cross Tells Us
- The Way of Detachment
- To the Depths of Sheol
- Walking into Sacred Space
- Go and Sin No More
- The Feeding of the 5,000
- The Life and Work of Saint Maria Skobtsova
- On the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- God Works Through Us
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- A Sense of Wonder
- The Healing of Thomas
- Palm Sunday: Jesus for the First Time
- Who Might We Become if We Walk in the Steps of Christ?
- On the Feast of the Annunciation
- On the Icon of the Dormition
- On the Icon of the Entry of the Theotokos to the Temple
- On the Icon of the Nativity of the Theotokos
- On the Sunday of Forgiveness
- Living in the Present: An Orthodox Perspective
- Welcome to the New World
- Believing is Seeing
- On the Blessing of the Water
- 2017
- The Beginning of the Gospel
- The Consciousness of Christ
- A Place Both Strange and Wonderful
- Two Dimensions
- The Transparent World
- A Life of Luminous Actions
- Compassion Compels Us
- Ego and Humility
- The Ultimate Letting Go
- Prayer and Fasting
- The Transfiguration of All Things
- The Law is One
- The Vocation of Lovers of God
- Faith is Love, Faith is Trust
- Fishing in the 21st Century
- Knowing and Acknowledging
- The Beauty of the Christ's Prayer
- And the Word became Flesh
- The Icon of the Transfiguration
- With Faith and Love Draw Near
- Pascha: Do you know why we’re here today?
- The Beauty of Mutuality
- Dancing with God
- The Heart that is Open
- God, the All-Vulnerable
- The Interior Focus of Great Lent
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- Meeting Ourselves on the Road to Repentance
- As For Me and My House
- The Flow of Trinitarian Life
- 2016
- The Invitation
- Projecting
- On the Surface of the Deep
- A Revolution of Love
- The Weight of a Snowflake
- Stepping Outside the Cycle
- Walking in the Dark
- Grace Falls All Over The Place
- Deep Discipleship
- Willingness, Openness, Receptivity
- Image and False Image
- Belief and Faith, Water and Wine
- To Walk on Water
- Make Peace in Your Heart
- His Name is Compassion
- Faith Lets Go
- Like a Pure Diamond
- Enlightened Living
- Not Religion, But Life
- The Mystical Life
- The Way of Metaphor
- Who Do We Trust and Why? Reflections on Thomas Sunday
- Our Suffering is the Cross
- God Tells Us a Story
- Hymns of the Annunciation
- Today is the Day of Salvation
- On the Beginning of the Great Fast
- On the Hymn of Kassiani
- On the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
- The Curious Monkey
- Two Openings
- Nothing Else, Nothing Else
- Do Not Squander the Gift
- Zaccheus Sunday: The Narrow Way of Life
- The Call to Universal Compassion
- On the Sunday Before Theophany
- 2015
- On the Feast of the Nativity
- On the Sunday Before Nativity
- Too Distracted
- Walk as Children of the Light
- The Gentle Remembrance of Death
- Working Out Our Salvation
- Love is My Name
- The Rich Man and Lazarus
- The Gadarene Demoniac in Context
- True Self, False Self
- The Good and Empty Heart
- The Golden Rule
- Bearing Witness to the Testimony of Jesus Christ
- The Way of the Cross
- The Kingdom May Be Compared To
- What is Your Addiction?
- Do Not Betray the Image of God Within You
- After the Transfiguration
- Reception of New Antimins and a Supplication Service to St. Raphael
- There Must Have Been Something
- There Are Only Enlightened Actions
- The God Who Is and We Who Are
- God in Disguises
- On the Service of Holy Unction
- The Cure Called Compassion
- Touching Wounds, His and Ours
- Reflections on Lazarus Saturday - “Lazarus, Come Out!”
- Holy Saturday - Praise and Hope
- Reflections on Great and Holy Friday
- Humility and Offering: Holy Thursday
- Healing and Forgiveness: Holy Unction
- Coming Closer: Bridegroom Matins
- Radical Forgiveness
- The Walls of the House
- The God Who Is Here
- On the Sunday Before Theophany
- 2014
- The Journey Into Egypt
- The Genealogy of Jesus
- The Power of Compassion
- The White Stone
- The Two Truths That Set Us Free
- Fierce Compassion
- Jesus, the Active Listener
- Loving the World
- Letting Go Into Heaven
- The Self-Exile of the Unfaithful Servant
- The Dormant Seed of Faith
- August Theophanies
- On the Compassion of God
- On the 6th Sunday of Matthew - the Paralytic
- This is Synergy
- The Light That Began It All
- The Love that Cannot be Contained
- On the Sunday of the Holy Fathers
- Blessed is the Entrance of Thy Saints
- A Man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda
- The Empty Tomb and the Overflowing Heart
- Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom
- The Doorway to Mystery: On Palm Sunday
- On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- The Theme of Resurrection & Renewal in the 15 OT Readings of Holy Saturday
- The Theme of the Mission of the Servant in the 15 OT Readings of Holy Saturday
- The Theme of Sacrifice, Offering, Picking up the Cross, and Following Jesus in the 15 OT Readings of Holy Saturday
- The Theme of Invitation and Covenant in the 15 OT Readings of Holy Saturday
- On the Presentation of Christ to the Temple
- On the Sunday of Zaccheus
- 2013
- Detachment and the Eye of the Needle
- On the Sunday of the Paralytic
- On the Sunday of the Blind Man
- On the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
- On the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women
- On the Sunday of St. John Climacus
- On the Feast of the Annunciation
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- Out of the Box
- A Christmas Sermon
- On the Feast of the Nativity
- Happy in Hell
- The Perspective and Power of Compassion
- Fr. Antony's Speech from the 20th Anniversary Celebration
- On the Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
- The Centurion
- On the Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross
- On the Third Sunday of Luke
- On the Sunday of the Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council
- Awakening from Delusion
- The Extraordinary Love of God
- Facing the Bronze Serpent
- The Imposition of Paradise
- The Storm and the Waves
- The Faith that Moves Mountains
- You are the Light of the World
- On the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross
- Reflections on the Boston Marathon Bombing
- The Spiritual Practice of Holy Week
- Taking the More Excellent Way
- On the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
- On the Sunday of Forgiveness
- On Judgement Sunday
- The Parable of the Two Sons
- On the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee
- Light For the Darkest Places
- 2012
- On the Feast of the Nativity
- What Many Do Not Know
- The Seeds of Divine Company
- The Heart Hears
- All Things Are Fulfilled in the Cross
- The Owner of the Estate Returns
- What We Don’t Know Hurts Us
- Not an Addition, a Subtraction
- The Lessons of Failure and the Substance of Faith
- This is a Lonely Place: On the 8th Sunday of Matthew
- Let Your Light Shine: On the Sunday of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council
- On the Sunday of All Saints
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- On the Sunday of the Paralytic
- On the Sunday of Thomas
- Healing through the Sacramental Life of the Church: Confession and Spiritual Direction
- Healing through the Life-Giving Cross
- Healing through the Sacrament of Holy Unction
- Healing in the Liturgy of St. Basil
- On the Sunday of Forgiveness
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- On the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- On the Sunday of Zaccheus
- 2011
- Mindfulness and the Good Samaritan
- Invite Them All
- Heal Always
- Jairus and the Woman
- The Seeds of the Word
- Let Down Your Nets
- On the Sunday after the Elevation of the Cross
- You Are the Light of the World
- On Chrismation
- On the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
- On Baptism
- On Forgiveness Sunday
- The Prodigal Son and His Brother
- On the Sunday of the Canaanite
- On the Sunday of the Ten Lepers
- On the Sunday before Theophany
- 2010
- The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
- On the Sunday before Nativity: the Genealogy of Christ
- The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity
- Mary and Martha
- On Prison Ministry
- The Good Samaritan
- On the Brink of Despair
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- The Sunday Before the Cross
- The Two Greatest Commandments
- The Beheading of John the Baptist
- Be of Good Cheer, It is I, Have No Fear
- The Gadarenes are Us
- Sunday of the Paralytic
- Service of Holy Unction
- Sunday of the Holy Cross
- Sunday of Zaccheus
- 2009
- The Table is Set
- Seeing Things As They Really Are
- The Far Greater Miracle
- The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Rejoice that Your Names are Written in Heaven
- On the calling of the first apostles in Luke 5:1-11
- For God So Loved the World
- The Stone Which the Builders Rejected
- What Good Deed Shall I Do?
- The Sunday after the Feast of the Dormition
- You Are the Light of the World
- The Gergesene Demoniacs
- Sunday of Pentecost
- Sunday of the Blind Man
- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
- Sunday of the Paralytic
- Harvard Divinity School Homily - April 29, 2009
- Holy Wednesday Evening - Service of Holy Unction
- Palm Sunday
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- Sunday of the Adoration of the Holy Cross
- Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia
- 2009 Learning in Lent Series - Teva Regule
- Sunday of Orthodoxy
- Sunday of St. John of the Ladder
- Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- Sunday of the Canaanite Woman
- 2008
- On the Second Sunday of Advent
- On the Second Sunday of Luke
- On the First Sunday of Luke
- Forefeast of the Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross
- The Epileptic Boy
- Walking on Water
- Of Deviled Ham
- Sunday of the Holy Fathers
- Parish Life Conference Sermon
- On the Sunday of All Saints
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- On the Sunday of the Blind Man
- On the Sunday of the Paralytic
- On the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers
- What Is Fundamentalism?
- On the Sunday of St. Thomas
- On the Service of the Holy Unction
- On Palm Sunday
- On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- Delivered at the 150 anniversary of the Paulists at the Paulist Center in Boston
- On Cheesefare Sunday
- The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Two Pieties - On the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- On the Sunday of the Canaanite Woman
- Zaccheus
- The Madding Crowd
- Growing Spiritually through Liturgy - Our Relationships with Others
- Growing Spiritually through Liturgy: The Inheritance of Tradition
- Growing Spiritually Through Liturgy: On the Liturgy of Thanksgiving (the Eucharist)
- Growing Spiritually Through Liturgy: The Liturgy of the Word
- 2007
- Growing Spiritually through Liturgy
- Barns Filled With Nothing
- The Good Samaritan
- The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Education Sunday
- The Seed is the Word of God
- Watering Seeds of Virtue
- Belief and Faith
- The Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross
- The Sunday before the Elevation of the Holy Cross
- Many are Called, Few are Chosen
- The Light and the Law
- Matthew 9:1-6
- If the Eye is Sound
- On the Sunday of All American Saints
- On the Sunday of All Saints
- The Blind Man
- At the Pool of Bethesda
- The Ministry of the Myrrhbearers
- On the Service of Holy Unction
- On Palm Sunday
- On the Feast of the Annunciation
- Lay Up For Yourselves Treasures in Heaven
- On Meatfare Sunday
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- On the Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican
- The Transformation of Zaccheus
- The Light Shines in the Darkness
- 2006
- On the Eve of the Nativity of Christ
- The Rich Man and His Barns
- Love the Lord
- The Chasms That Can Be Bridged
- The Gadarene Demoniac
- The Sower and the Seeds
- Radical Compassion
- Being Faithful in Small Things
- Peter, Self-Denial, and Change
- On the Sunday of All Saints
- On the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Council
- On the Sunday of the Paralytic
- The Marks of a Christian - On the Fifth Sunday of Lent
- San Cristobal
- On the Sunday of Orthodoxy
- On the Sunday of Forgiveness
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- On the Sunday of Zaccheus
- On the Sacred Gift of Life Sunday
- 2005
- On the 11th Sunday of Luke
- The Foolish Rich Man
- The Daughter of Jairus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood
- Do Unto Others
- On the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross
- For God So Loved the World
- Walking on Water
- On the Sunday of St. John Climacus
- On the Sunday of Orthodoxy
- On the Sunday of Judgement
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- On the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
- 2004
- Why I am a Member of the Order Of Saint Ignatius
- On the Occasion of His Enthronement as Bishop of Wichita and Mid-America
- On the Feast of St. Philip the Apostle
- You are the Light of the World
- On the Sunday of the North American Saints
- On the Sunday after Pentecost - All Saints
- On the Sunday of Pentecost
- On the Sunday after the Ascension
- On the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
- On the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women
- Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen And Yet Believe
- Praising God - On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- On the Sunday of Cheese Fare
- On the Sunday of Meat Fare
- On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
- On the Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican
- Justice as Asceticism
- Fightig the Good Fight and Receiving Your Crowns
- 2003
- On the Sunday Before the Nativity
- On The Feast of St. Andrew
- Coming Alive
- Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- The Sunday of the Elevation of the Cross
- 9/11 Memorial
- The Sunday Before the Elevation of the Cross
- The Sunday of All Saints
- The Man Born Blind
- The Secret and Humble God A Holy Week Reflection
- The Sunday of St. John Climacus
- Sermon given on the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
- Is Lent Still Relevant in the Age of Technology?
- Lenten Transformation