Pentecost Sunday

PentecostOne of the most important feast days of the Christian Church - the birthday of the church - is Holy Pentecost.  All Christian denominations, Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic observe this magnificent feast day of Pentecost.  The word Pentecost is a Greek word meaning fiftieth.

Just before Jesus Christ ascended into heaven on the fortieth day after His resurrection, he promised his faithful disciples and followers that very soon the power of the Holy Spirit would be with them to give them spiritual strength to carry the message of Christ throughout the world.   The followers of Christ, however, were simple fishermen, and they had very little education.  They gathered together in the “upper room” waiting for a sign from heaven.  Suddenly on the fiftieth day after Easter, there came a great sound from heaven which was like a rushing mighty wind.  It filled the house where the disciples were waiting.  Then a miracle happened.  Great tongues of fire were seen over each of the heads of the disciples.  It was the power of the Holy Spirit which brought divine inspiration to all in the house.  They began to speak many languages, and they were “filled with the Holy Spirit”.  This was the fulfillment of the promise which the Lord had given to them.

St. Peter delivered the first sermon in Jerusalem on this first Pentecost.  Over 3000 people became Christians.  The disciples traveled to the far corners of the earth to bring the message of Jesus Christ to all men.  All this was made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit on that eventful and historic day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago.

During the Divine Liturgy today, all Orthodox Christians take part in the beautiful service known as “the service of kneeling”.  The priest reads three beautiful prayers about the miracle of Pentecost.  During each prayer the entire congregation kneels and prays also.  It is during this time that we pray very hard that the power of the Holy Spirit will enter our hearts also and give us spiritual strength to live out our lives according to the will of God.  Let the Holy Spirit enter your heart today.  This is the true meaning of Pentecost!